How do I resolve a problem on my job?

Here's what to do if you're working with a Client or Creator on The H Hub and you run into an issue


Everyone using The Hub should treat each other with professionalism and respect. Not only is it a requirement for using the platform, and clearly outlined in our Terms of Use, but it's simply the right way to treat each other.

That said, if for some reason an issue arises on your job, please review the guidelines below, which should help you quickly work towards a solution. We encourage Creators and Clients to resolve issues between themselves directly whenever possible.

If you’re having a technical issue with The Hub, please click here for more info

While it's rare that problems arise on The H Hub, it is possible as with any production project. Here's how to handle issues that could come up:

What should I do if the person I’m working with doesn’t respond to my messages?

 If the Creator or Client you’re working with isn’t responding to your messages, please contact and we’ll try to help by following up with them directly. Please let us know: the name of your project, who you’re trying to message, and what you’re trying to connect with them about specifically.


What should I do if the person I’m working with misses a deadline?

We encourage Creators and Clients to speak openly and candidly about all deadlines. If for some reason a deadline is going to be missed on either side, let the other party know as soon as possible so they can prepare. If a missed deadline makes the project no-longer viable or needed for any reason, work together on solutions to try and resolve.


What should I do if product samples are delayed or lost in shipping?

It’s important to keep tracking numbers for any shipments sent. The sender should contact the shipping company directly to resolve a delayed or lost package. We encourage Creators & Clients to work together to modify the timeline & deliverable dates based on these types of uncontrollable logistics issues. 


What should I do if product samples are damaged when I receive them?

The recipient should contact the sender and determine the reason product was damaged. Work together to find an amicable solution: if the product was damaged by the shipping company, the sender should reach out to them directly to resolve. (Always hang on to your tracking numbers!) If a product is expensive, we highly recommend including the insurance coverage offered by the shipping company when sending.


What should I do if I’ve sent product to a Creator, and they haven’t returned it to me?

If product needs to be returned at the end of a shoot, make sure to clearly state that in the initial Agreement (some brands choose not to have the product returned.) In either case, please follow up with the Creator and remind them. If you aren’t getting a reply, contact and we’ll help by also following up with them.


What happens if the parameters of a job change after the Contract has been approved?

All parties should ensure they’re CLEAR and ALIGNED with the Contract before it’s accepted and approved. If there is any confusion at any point, we encourage you to reach out and discuss before moving forward - communication here is the key. Once an agreement is locked, all parties must consider it a binding agreement. That said, if BOTH parties agree to changes in the scope and/or payment terms, please email and we’ll update the agreement and billing/payment accordingly.


What happens if a Creator has to withdraw from a job after a Contract has been accepted?

We suggest an open and honest dialog here – Creators should let the Client know ASAP the issue and reason why. Also let us know at and we will do our best to help facilitate a solution and/or identify a suitable replacement Creator who can also deliver great work in the time & budget available.


What happens if a Client has to cancel a job after an Agreement has been accepted?

Please let your Creator know as soon as possible. If no costs have been incurred, discuss to resolve together and email us at to let us know the outcome. If the shoot has already happened, we encourage the Client to honor the agreement and download the assets for later use.


What should I do if the wrong product was shot?

We encourage Clients to send product directly to Creators - making them shop for product themselves can leave room for error if you have multiple products or varieties a. Creators, if you DO agree to shop for product yourselves, we recommend sending a quick photo to the Client via the Message function on The Hub, to confirm the correct product was purchased. In the end, by agreeing to shop directly, you are taking responsibility for getting the right item(s) for your shoot.


What should I do if the assets created include someone or something that require a permit or release to show?

Creators are responsible for ensuring proper permits and/or releases are obtained for all people, places and items shown in the content they create. Clients should not use any content they have a concern with, and should discuss those concerns with Creators directly to ensure permits/releases have been obtained, and if not, discuss solutions for re-shooting/editing content as needed.


What should I do if the assets created do not adhere to the technical specs outlined in the Contract?

Communicate with the Creator directly and remind them of the needed technical specs, as this is often an easy solution. In the instances where it is not, we encourage both parties to work together to discuss editing and/or a re-shoot as needed.


What should I do if I don’t like the work that was shot by the Creator?

 Make sure to give open and honest feedback to Creator(s) working on your project(s). Sometimes it’s a simple solution (e.g. they may have taken other shots that solve your concerns, or can change the color grade or retouching to solve, etc.)  If there are no options available that solve your issues with the current work, you can ask the Creator to reshoot the project.

Ok, but what if the Creator will not re-shoot the project?

It is up to the Creator if they feel a reshoot is warranted. If they choose not to reshoot, let us know at and we’ll also reach out to them and/or advise on alternative solutions, based on the specific parameters of the situation.


What should I do if a Creator re-shoots the project and it’s still not right?

This doesn’t happen often, but when it does, we would recommend both parties go their separate ways. Clients who would like to still pursue content for the job should reach out to and we can recommend possible solutions, and even help to “fast-track” a project with a new Creator if needed.


What should I do if there are out-of-pocket costs involved with a project?

We encourage Creators to think about their budgets and factor in some room for out-of-pocket costs. In either case, a discussion should be held about any possible out-of-pocket costs, and both parties should align on how they will be handled. The details should be outlined in the project Agreement prior to accepting it. If additional billing/payments arise, and have been agreed to, email and we’ll help get confirmation in writing by both parties and process billing/payment as needed.


What should I do if I’ve uploaded assets for a Client to review, but haven’t heard back or received payment?

You will receive a notification from The H Hub when assets are downloaded by a client. If several days have passed, and you haven’t received that notification, send the Client a message reminding them that their assets are ready (sometimes things get lost in the clutter of a busy day!) If you’ve messaged them 3+ times over a 2 week period, please reach out to and we’ll do our best to help resolve.


What should I do if assets have been delivered and downloaded, but payment hasn’t been made to the Creator?

Clients or Creators with any questions about billing/payment should email us at and we’ll look into it ASAP. Note that payments can take 1-5 business days to be transferred, though are usually completed within 24 hours. Weekends and Bank Holidays can have an impact and create delays.


What happens if a Client uses assets beyond the rights discussed in the agreement?

Creators should reach out to and we’ll connect you to the Client directly to open a dialog on the issue. Often this is just human error, and Clients will rectify by removing the asset from use or offering to buy additional rights. 

Unless outlined in the contract otherwise, all assets delivered to a Client are owned by the Client for unlimited unrestricted use as they see fit.

We encourage both parties to discuss rights / terms of use during the Contract phase of the process and to clearly outline those terms in writing. The Hub will also prompt you to enter this information while building the contract, which happens directly on the platform.

If you run into any other issues not outlined here, please email us at and we'll provide further guidance ASAP.