Why do I need to message Clients on The Hub - why not just call or text them?

Messaging directly on The Hub helps protect everyone involved, and ensures the H team can help if issues arise.


The H Hub has been designed to make working with Clients as simple and smooth as possible. It also provides you with:

  • A More Secure Way to Work: the H team monitors for any issues or scams, and works diligently to keep a safe and secure place for great Clients and Creators to connect. Keeping all conversations on the platform ensures we can monitor activity and help if issues arise along the way.
  • Faster Payment: when a Client agrees to a job on The Hub, they are immediately billed for the full budget. Those funds are held securely at H, and as soon as you finish your project, we trigger payment to you. Waiting weeks for payment is a thing of the past!
  • One 1099 Form for Your Taxes: we’ll send you one 1099 at the end of the year that includes all of the jobs you complete on The Hub. No need to try and track down paperwork from every client, or fill our vendor paperwork every time you work with someone new.

Messaging with clients directly on The Hub is critical to using The Hub productively, and helps protect everyone involved. For example, we can't help monitor for scams if we aren't in the loop on the conversation. Using the messaging feature ensures that all communications with the client are documented and in one place. Once you take a conversation off-platform (email, text, etc.) we can't review the communications, making it very difficult for us to help with issues that might arise.

Taking a conversation with a client off-platform is also a violation of our Terms of Use, and can result in your account being suspended or deactivated.

If you're having an issue messaging through The Hub, or a problem connecting with your client in any way, reach out to support@thehhub.com and we'll help resolve it ASAP.