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How to create a great brief on The H Hub

Level-up your project by creating a great brief. It's the BEST way to ensure you get the amazing content you're looking for!


We understand that writing a creative brief might be a little intimidating. Not everyone has a ton of experience briefing creatives, and that’s okay!

The good news is a creative brief on The Hub is actually pretty simple. Think of it as a plan-of-attack to share with your photographer to make sure they get the job done as you envision it. 😊

When you post a job on The Hub, we walk you through it step-by-step, so no worries. Sending a strong brief is the #1 way to ensure you'll get back amazing work from your photographer!

Here are some tips to help you write a great creative brief on The Hub:

  1. Give them an overview of your brand and the project
  2. Outline the details and deliverables needed for your project
  3. Share examples of the art direction / aesthetic you want
  4. Outline specific Do's and Dont's
  5. Be clear on the budget and timeline

Give them an overview of your brand and the project

Start off with some overall context for your brand and the project by briefly explaining:

  • What your brand is about and your mission as a company
  • The objective of your campaign/project - what are you trying to accomplish?
  • The target audience - who are you trying to connect with? 

Providing this info will give your photographer some context, and help them create content that aligns with your brand. It doesn't have to be super long - just clear and to the point.

Here's a quick example:

Example Brief - 1_OVERVIEW - Beckon Ice Cream_ink


Outline the details and deliverables for your project

This is the most critical part of the brief. Outlining your project clearly and the specific needs will help your photographer make informed decisions and deliver exactly what you're looking for.

Be as specific here as you can. More detail is definitely helpful!

Here are some things you should consider including details on:

  • What do the images need to consist of? (e.g. people, products, and environments to feature) 
  • Is there a specific location or environment that's needed? (e.g. mountains, beach, city, etc.)
  • What time of day does it need to be shot? Or maybe it's a night shoot?

  • Will models be needed? If so, definitely provide guidelines on what they should look like.

  • Are they shooting in a studio? Any specific background colors they need to use?

  • Where the images will be used? (e.g. for your website, social, email, etc.)
  • How many images do you want from the photographer?

Here's another short, but useful example for our studio shoot:

Example Brief - 2_DETAILS - Beckon Ice Cream_ink

If your project is a bit more open-ended, and you're looking for some creative input & inspiration from your photographer, that's OK!  Just be sure to outline whatever is in your head so far, to help them see your vision and understand your needs.


Share examples of the art direction / aesthetic you want

This is also a VERY important part of creating a great brief on The Hub. Photographers are very visual by nature, so including some reference images, along with any written description you think helpful, will help them see the exact aesthetic you want. 

Create a mood board directly on The Hub by simply uploading images that show the vibe you're going for. These can be past work from your brand, or other images you've seen.

We recommend including at least 3-5 images, but the more the merrier 😁


Example Brief - 3_VISUALS - Beckon Ice Cream_ink


Outline specific Do's & Dont's

Maybe you've shot a lot of work for your brand already, and you know exactly what to watch out for. Or, perhaps this is your first shoot and you REALLY want to make sure the photographer is clear on a few things.

The DO's and DONT's section is a great place for this...simple, clear bullets on the most important things you want to reinforce:

Example Brief - 4_DOsDONTs - Beckon Ice Cream_ink




And of course, be clear about the budget & timing

When you post a job on The Hub, we'll prompt you to enter a budget range and your deadline. It's pretty straight forward, but important information to provide:

Example Brief - 5_DELIVERABLES - Beckon Ice Cream_ink

If you're not 100% sure of deadline or exact budget when you create your brief on The Hub, that's OK! You'll have a chance to finalize that info after you've received bids and spoken to the photographer(s) you're interested in, at the "send a contract" stage.


With these tips and tricks, you’re on your way to creating a successful creative brief! If you need any help along the way, just email us at support@thehhub.com anytime!

Happy brief writing and happy shooting! 👍