How do I pay the Creator I'm working with?

The H Hub is the easiest way to hire and pay Creators to make amazing content for your brand!


We built The Hub to make content creation as easy and affordable as possible. One of the biggest pain points we heard from brands was handling payment to Creators, which is why we've made paying on The Hub easy as 1-2-3:

How it works:

  1. Once you've posted your job and found the Creator you want to work with, you'll be prompted to send them a contract. (Don't worry, The Hub makes this easy too!) Before you hit send, we'll prompt you for your Credit Card information.
  2. When the Creator accepts your contract, we charge your credit card for the agreed-to amount. Those funds are held in escrow until your project is complete. 
  3. When you receive assets back, and are happy with the work, you'll hit "Download Assets" to get the final files. This immediately triggers the payment process & transfers funds to the Creator. Funds will arrive in 2-3 business days (often even faster!)

Why we think it's a great way to pay:

  • All you need is a credit card:  our platform accepts all major credit cards.
  • You don't pay until you hire someone:  you can post a job and see bids before you spend a single $
  • You get an invoice as soon as your contract is accepted:  our system automatically places funds in escrow when you and a Creator agree to a contract, and sends you a receipt/invoice you can use for bookkeeping on your end.
  • There's no Creator paperwork to deal with:  you pay with a credit card, and we take care of all documentation that Creators needs to run their business. No new vendor forms or W-2 to collect - we handle all of that.
  • No Creator tax forms to manage at the end of the year:  we handle all end-of-year tax documentation for Creators. This means you can work with a wide range of fantastic creative talent but not have to handle a pile of 1099 forms.
  • Creators get paid fast:  because funds are held in escrow, as soon as you download the final assets, payment transfers to the Creator. This makes our creative talent incredibly happy, while still ensuring that you're happy before payment is made. (Oh and did we mention, no follow up calls or emails from Creators looking for a check that was lost in the mail?!?!)

Simple, streamlined and secure - that's how we like things here at H! 

Please note: if your company requires payment via Invoice, and will not allow Credit Card as a form of payments please contact and we will help to facilitate.